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Shepard Clays                           

Below are photos of the clay sculptures done for the Shepard Historical Cylinders. These pictures were taken before the pieces were molded and cast. The time budgeted for each element was approximately 4-6 hours. The reliefs are meant to be in a graphic style, as their source was newsprint advertising.
SHEP_1_-_FRONT.GIF (34737 bytes) SHEP_1_-_J_SHEPARD.GIF (64614 bytes) SHEP_1_-_MAN.GIF (104166 bytes) SHEP_1_-_WAGON.GIF (38106 bytes) SHEP_1_-_WAGON_2.GIF (53824 bytes)
1880-1900 1880-1900 1880-1900 1880-1900 1880-1900
John Shepard Man in Overcoat Electric Truck
SHEP_1_-_WOMAN.GIF (39145 bytes) SHEP_1_-_WOMAN_2.GIF (67274 bytes) SHEP_2_-_PIERCE_ARROW.GIF (60498 bytes) SHEP_2_-_WOMAN__DOG.GIF (33184 bytes) SHEP_2_-_WOMAN__DOG_2.GIF (73758 bytes)
1880-1900 1880-1900 1901-1920 1901-1920 1901-1920
Woman Pierce Motor Car Woman & Dog
SHEP_2_-_TUFFET.GIF (40906 bytes) SHEP_2_-_WOMAN__FLOWERS.GIF (42114 bytes) SHEP_2_-_WOMAN__FLOWERS_2.GIF (75672 bytes) SHEP_3_-_BICYCLE.GIF (33730 bytes) SHEP_4_-SHOE.GIF (39152 bytes)
1901-1920 1901-1920 1901-1920 1901-1920 1901-1920
Tuffet Woman With Flowers Bicycle Shoe
SHEP_3_-_FLOWER_WOMAN.GIF (40680 bytes) SHEP_3_-_FLOWER_WOMAN_2.GIF (55832 bytes) SHEP_3_-_MAN_IN_COAT.GIF (40223 bytes) SHEP_3_-_WOMAN_IN_COAT.GIF (38182 bytes) SHEP_3_-_WOMAN_IN_COAT_2.GIF (30086 bytes)
1921-1940 1921-1940 1921-1940 1921-1940 1921-1940
Tea Set Woman in Flower Hat Man in Coat Woman in Coat
SHEP_4_-LEANING_WOMAN.GIF (43328 bytes) SHEP_4_-LEANING_WOMAN_2.GIF (39903 bytes) SHEP_4_-YOUNG_GIRL.GIF (41414 bytes) SHEP_4_-YOUNG_WOMAN.GIF (40702 bytes) SHEP_4_-YOUNG_WOMAN_2.GIF (44105 bytes)
1941-1960 1941-1960 1941-1960 1941-1960 1941-1960
Woman Child Young Woman
SHEP_5_-_MAN.GIF (50099 bytes) SHEP_5_-_WOMAN_IN_COAT.GIF (29054 bytes) SHEP_5_-_WOMAN_IN_COAT_2.GIF (55330 bytes) SHEP_5_-_WOMAN_IN_FUR.GIF (32070 bytes) SHEP_5_-_WOMAN_IN_FUR_2.GIF (53245 bytes)
1961-1973 1961-1973 1961-1973 1961-1973 1961-1973
Business Man Woman Woman in Fur
SHEP_5_-_CHERUB.GIF (44712 bytes)
Shepard Chronicler Shepard Cylinders 1961-1973 Public Art  


Please e-mail with questions of comments about these or any other projects. Thank you for visiting!

Copyright 2003 William C. Culbertson